Why I can’t jive some topics in conversation?

I guess I’m not alone for being too late in some hot issues and news about what’s happening in the community or the latest trends in the market. First of all, I’m not that kind of person who can socialize and get to know about the newest insights and issues. I stick from this personality for being too far from usual habit or I‘m not aware of, knowing of certain things on the internet.

I found out that I have 5 factors why I can’t jive with some topics in conversation that most of my friends are already known about.

1.) I can’t relate to gadgets and technology.

Where my friends are starting to talk about gadgets, I was kind of, Hey! Hey! What’s that? I can’t add much information to support their tech topics because I can’t afford buying latest gadgets. I heard many times about phone specs like phone memory, speed and phone camera as well. Yes! I have a phone but I don’t have those ideas that I should look over my phone specs. Being too late to learn about gadget is always okay. I guess I have a time to know more about it. But I always ask somebody if I have to know so that I can relate much about technology. I don’t want to be an old-fashioned guy in this modern era.

2.) When my friends are talking about travel.

You wonder why I can’t relate much of some conversation about travels. Believe it or not, I have never been to the northern part of Cebu and I visited the south part twice at Ronda and Alcoy. The only island I visited was the Mactan Island. Luckily, I have a few friends who can talk to me about their travel experiences without asking them. But I really wanted to visit some places that far from my home. I’m excited to see myself travelling and experience those so-called “itinerary”.

3.) When they talked about lovelife.

Well, I don’t have a clue why I can’t relate to this topic. Should I try to experience heart breaks and some fancy things? It’s a no, no for me,but I never close doors for that. The only thing that I’m in love was to create new things and dominate the whole world. Watching romantic films couldn’t be an option to get to know about those feelings of being in love. Love can be found in your family and friends. Love is not all about those mutual understanding and romantic scenes. Sometimes, love comes first in you like doing something great for yourself and to make other people happy. As universal, true love found in heaven and that was God.

4.) When everybody is talking about Game of Thrones or any film series.

I belong to the 1% of the population of those who had never watched a single episode of Game of Thrones. This is my common issue right away when I joined in a meeting or a conversation. But there’s always hope for me to catch up those episodes by looking for a digital copy and start watching the whole episode right away.

5.) When the conversation is all about an event that you are not involved.


This is the most awkward moment to jive in a conversation that you can’t relate because you are not involved in it. I experienced this kind of situation many times, but the only thing that I did was to listen their stories and conversation and ask some questions regarding on their topic. Random questions might easier for you to relate much on it.

Five Tips on how to jive in a conversation.

  • Always ask random questions if ever you got lost in a conversation. Asking questions might be helpful to learn something and you can learn also new things and ideas.
  • There’s always a two option for this situation. Listen to them or check your social media notification. Phoniness is very common now for those who can’t relate to a conversation.
  • Is it okay to ask them to change the topic? You cannot control or change the conversation. All you have to do is to ask something to them and it might be a new topic to discuss.
  •  Sometimes, you can add some ideas to make the conversation really fun. Try to suggest a game or a certain topics that might be interesting.
  • Learning new things is a great option. Don’t hesitate to read some facts and articles. Buying a certain things like new gadgets and stuff might be risky. Learning is a good process to relate to certain topics in a conversation.



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