Ending Up My 2020 With A Smile!

The year 2020 presented significant challenges for all of us. We witnessed a multitude of sad stories and unexpected events due to the pandemic crisis, leading to the loss of many opportunities. In response, we had to adjust our way of living to protect our health and well-being, striving to stay healthy and avoid falling ill. Despite the difficulties, we managed to overcome and make it through this tough year. As we gradually return to a sense of normalcy, we continue to prioritize safety protocols to ensure our well-being and that of others.

Let’s bid farewell to 2020 with genuine smiles, acknowledging our resilience and strength in the face of adversity. The past year has been a challenging teacher, offering valuable lessons and a newfound appreciation for what truly matters. As we look ahead to better times, let’s carry the spirit of perseverance and hope with us into the future.

Reasons to Smile


Top: Jackfield Bomber Jacket (Ukay-ukay) + White Shirt

Bottom: Light Blue Denim Pants (Ukay-ukay)

Shoes: Skechers

The pandemic crisis this year brought about a wave of anxiety and worry for me. I found myself caught in a concerning situation during my last trip to Baguio, as the province of Cebu was preparing to enforce lockdown measures across airports and seaports. Fortunately, we managed to make it back to Cebu just in time, securing the last flight from Clark Airport to Mactan-Cebu Airport at exactly 12 A.M. Our journey home was filled with tears of relief and hope. Subsequently, when I decided to return to Talisay City after a month of self-quarantine in Cebu City, everything seemed to escalate rapidly until the world came to a standstill. It became evident that we all needed to isolate ourselves in our respective homes to combat this pandemic’s harsh reality. Coping with anxiety and fear became a daily challenge during these trying times.

Over the course of nine months in isolation, I gained valuable life lessons that I carry with me into the next chapter of my life in 2021. Despite the hardships, I am optimistic about the future, as I can sense new opportunities and big hopes on the horizon. Let’s welcome 2021 with smiles on our faces, ready to embrace whatever it may bring.

Set Your Goals


Eyewear: Sunnies Studios

Bag: Metro Dept. Store

As we step into the fresh pages of 2021, it’s a perfect opportunity to reflect on our aspirations and ask ourselves, “What is my new goal?” Setting goals and life plans at the start of each year serves as a powerful resolution, igniting a desire for self-improvement and growth.

Take some time to pen down the things you wish to pursue and achieve in the coming year. A helpful approach is to look back at the opportunities or experiences that were missed in 2020 due to the challenging circumstances. We all longed for various things during that time, and for many, one of the missed pleasures was a relaxing trip to the beach. Consider rewarding yourself with a trip to a beachside resort. While restrictions might still be in place, some resorts are open to local tourists, presenting a chance to find solace and rejuvenation amidst the calming waves and sandy shores.

For me, a personal goal for 2021 is to visit the picturesque Moalboal and bask in the serenity of its stunning beach area. There’s something truly magical about witnessing a sunset on the beach, with the rhythmic sound of the sea waves providing a soothing soundtrack to the moment.

I extend my heartfelt wishes that 2021 becomes a year of prosperity and well-being for everyone. May it be free from further lockdowns and pandemic outbreaks, allowing us to rise above the challenges and lead a normal life once again. Let us eagerly anticipate the day when widespread vaccination brings the freedom to enjoy life fully, without fear and hesitation, and to embark on exciting journeys in pursuit of our wildest dreams. Here’s to a brighter and better 2021 for us all!

Happy New Year, everyone! 🙂 


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