Prehypertension Self Management for Young Adults

Prehypertension is one of the leading diseases in the whole world. The age gap of prehypertension patience is now reaching between the ages of  20s and 30s. The reason why some young adults diagnosed with prehypertension is the changing lifestyle. Of course, the evolution of technologies is one of the reasons why some young adults are not so active in physical activities. This blog is all about my personal experience of having prehypertension and how I manage this illness.

My Prehypertension Management

I was diagnosed with mild prehypertension when I was 24. I have so many questions about that time and I asked myself where and when this illness started. To be honest, I am not a healthy-conscious person. I never watch over my diet and I love to eat meals in fast-food restaurants and sometimes I prefer to eat dishes like oily pork stew, burgers, and rice meals. Also, I love to drink soft drinks and concentrated juice drinks. Aside from my poor diet, I am lazy in physical activities like walking, jogging, and doing household chores. Being exposed to gadgets is also one of the factors why I diagnosed with prehypertension because I have a poor sleeping habit.  I spent frequently on my smartphone and laptop for gaming and some freelance stuff.

So I made a hard decision to change everything from food intake to physical activities. I am lucky enough to seek medical help and took serious action on how to fight prehypertension at this early age. For now, I take a pill (losartan potassium hydrochlorothiazide)  every day for my prehypertension. I have to maintain the normal blood pressure of 120/90  mm Hg. From time to time, I have to meet my doctor for my monthly check-up. Of course, I prefer to eat healthy meals, but I can eat my comfort food in a minimal amount. Aside from eating, I do body workout 5 to 6 times a week. I need to stop working and spending time with my smartphone at night before I’m going to sleep.

Maintaining Healthy and Fit

Prehypertension is not just a mild illness that easy to cure. Yes, it is, but it is deadly. Being not aware of physical health will give a consequence if you ignore it for a long period. Medication for hypertension does not rely on a single pill. You have to follow the instruction from your physician, so you can maintain a healthy life. I am so grateful that I maintain this daily routine of my prehypertension management. There are times that I am depressed and tired of this situation. The one thing that pushed me to continue the fight is my ambition. I have lots of plans in my 30s and 40s. I want to fulfill everything from my childhood dreams to my current life goals. That’s why everything takes time and we need to take a little sacrifice for ourselves.

I am planning to end this medication soon. My doctor said that this medication is possible not for a lifetime, but a strict diet and regular physical activities can help to maintain my blood pressure. For now, my doctor advised me to take my medicine every day and I need to see her monthly for some medical evaluation. The overall value for this experience would be my positive outcome in life. I told myself not to give up and trust the process. In my 20s I have different struggles and obstacles and one of those things is this changing body condition. As we grow older, we need to see our body condition. We can’t keep this energy for so long and we need to accept that everything will never last. To keep this energy, we have to take some actions to maintain it and live life to the fullest. Prehypertension is curable. If you have this illness, there are many ways to overcome and cure this temporary illness. Prehypertension is easy to manage and you have to follow the advice from your doctor. Discipline is always the key. Keep fighting and you are not alone in this battle.




5 responses to “Prehypertension Self Management for Young Adults”

  1. Angel Avatar

    I agree that pre-hypertension has been commong to young adults. Well, getting a high blood pressure or hypertension is a symptom that could lead to a certain illness (arteriosclerosis, etc.), or of an underlying illness.

    I hope you’ll get a normal BP reading and maintain a healthy diet, enough rest, and exercise.

  2. Gj Perino Avatar
    Gj Perino

    We’re the same and I have a bad sleeping time mostly I can sleep at 12 am or 1 am and in the morning I can really feel the gassed filling up my stomach but I don’t drink medications isntead I drink warm water with salt to cure my Pregpertension.

  3. Marco Yambao Avatar
    Marco Yambao

    Well atleast I’m happy to know na that right now you’re getting fit na with healthy diet and exercise. Just keep it up! 😍

  4. Rome Nicolas Avatar

    Go go go, bes! Pa-healthy na lagi ta. Di palami og kaon. Dapat naa jud exercise. 😀

  5. Armie Garde Avatar

    Eat, run, repeat. This is one of my very helpful mantras. Eat healthy food, run everyday, REPEAT! I am cheering on ya, Drin! Don’t give up on your wellbeing. 🙂

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