Let’s New The Year With Bucket Lists (Week 1)

January 1, 2018 - New Year's Day

Seeing the faces of happy children and adult in my hometown was actually a perfect picture to remember about the Christmas season, especially when you live in a town area where commercialized cities are far away and everyone is seeking for a long break for Christmas – during the 20th day until the last day of December.

It’s natural for me that January 1 is quite boring because of the long parties and random celebrations like Christmas parties, Christmas Eve, my birthday, family vacation on Christmas day, post-Christmas celebration with friends, New Year’s Eve, and the exact New Year’s Day around 1:00 AM to greet a “Happy New Year” in social media. That is why I am so bored on the next day of New Year’s Eve.

It seems that everyone is eating cakes and leftovers in the fridge, some neighbors are extending the party sick through karaoke, and some neighbors might be going out for a beach vacation together with their relatives. In our own tradition, my family always pre-heat the leftovers and we eat it or give to our closest neighbors.

So here’s the big change. I should break the tradition and bend the line of New Year’s Day habit. How about doing more things that so meaningful and useful for the entire year? Instead of enjoying my time on using my smartphone and eating more foods, I am going to write or draw my plans and projection for 2018 as my bucket list to help me consistent for the entire year.

Below are my bucket lists for 2018.

1.) The Tour

I am very excited to see the whole world through travels to every desired destination. It seems that I should save a lot of money for that. Otherwise, I should explore more on my motherland which it was blessed with beautiful islands and wonderful sceneries.

On the 13th of January 2018, I will join the Huawei Sugbo’s Mind The Now: Butuan: A Blogging, and Mobile Photography Workshop to be held at Almont Inland Resort in Butuan City. I am very excited because it will be my first every outside Cebu trip. I’ve never been visited any neighboring Islands in Cebu, but this would be a memorable experience.

2.) The Art Movement

I started promoting the #CreateXDominate last September 2017 for my art movement. Since I started making illustrations last 2016, I have to continue the creative journey that I inspired others. Hopefully, I can do more.

3.) The #OOTD goals

I liked to wear floral and resort shirts. Somehow, I should minimize and promote basic and simple #OOTD goals for 2018. Why? I inspired by Mark Zuckerberg’s outfit which he wore a simple outfit every day, even in a convention or for work. It is a life-changing to realize that I should limit my cost of clothing needs. Wearing a plain shirt and a denim is quite comfortable. It helps me to remove my social pressure. Yet, I should continue promoting men’s fashion in a way that everyone can save money for it. I believe that fashion is not about the value and price, it is a measure of your comfort zone and style.

4.) Giveaway Perks for my Subscribers and Followers

I am expecting to have more gift cheques, souvenir items, and freebie items on events. How about I should share it with my followers on my Instagram and Facebook account and subscribers on my YouTube Channel. Giving away items through easy games and electronic raffle that can gain an interest for my viewers and readers, I believe so. Hopefully, I can attend more events this 2018.

5.) Sharing My Talent To Others

The most important plan that I should do for 2018 is to have an art and graphic design workshop. I am very excited to share my talent and thoughts about art and graphic design. By doing workshops, I can extend the talent that I have to encourage people and youth to make an art that can make a change. It is a good practice to paint once in a week to release our hidden emotions and tensions in our mind. It can help us to think deeper and we can imagine things either it is weird or a fiction. That is why my art movement #CreateXDominate is a tool to promote the products of imagination and visual stories from one, bold mind.


That’s it! I am looking forward to making this plans for the entire year of 2018. How about yours? Comment down below about your plans for 2018 and let’s talk about it.


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